About the Report
This Annual Report of INARCTICA Public Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the Company) for the reporting period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 includes the performance results of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Group, INARCTICA Group) in 2022. The subsidiaries and affiliates are Russian and foreign companies directly or indirectly controlled by INARCTICA PJSC.
The Report is prepared in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:
- Federal Law No. 39-FZ “On the Securities Market” dated 22 April 1996;
- Federal Law No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies” dated 26 December 1995;
- Corporate Governance Code recommended by the Bank of Russia for joint stock companies by Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 06-52/2463 dated 10 April 2014;
- Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 714-P “On Information Disclosure by Issuers of Securities” dated 27 March 2020.
According to Decree No. 351 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12 March 2022 on Peculiarities of 2022 Disclosure and Provision of Information to be Disclosed and Provided in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies and the Federal Law on Securities Market, and peculiarities of insider information disclosure in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law on Combating Insider Information Misuse and Market Manipulation and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, the Company decided to forgo the disclosure of its consolidated financial statements for 2022.
.This Report is preliminarily recommended for approval by the Board of Directors of INARCTICA PJSC (Minutes No. 403 dated 06.06.2023).
Sustainable Development Action
Issues related to the sustainable development activities of INARCTICA Group are presented in the ESG Report of INARCTICA Group for 2022, availablе on the Group’s website.
Boundaries and Content of the Report
The Annual Report provides information on the Company’s performance in 2022, based on the data available to the Company as of this writing.
All pertinent details concerning the Company’s governing and supervising bodies, as well as their individual remuneration, are disclosed in this Report in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data. Information regarding the employment and positions held by members of the Board of Directors in other companies is presented based on the data they provided to the Company as of the end of the reporting year. In this context, the term “present” refers specifically to 31 December 2022.
This Report encompasses forecasts, statements of intent, opinions, and current expectations of the Company regarding its performance results, financial position, liquidity, growth prospects, strategy, and the development of the industry in which the Company operates. By their very nature, such forward-looking statements entail risks and uncertainties, as they are contingent upon events and circumstances that may or may not occur in the future.
Expressions such as “intends”, “seeks”, “expects”, “estimates”, “plans”, “believes”, “assumes”, “may”, “shall”, “will”, will continue” and other similar phrases generally denote the predictive nature of a statement and imply the risk that the mentioned events or actions may not happen due to various factors. The Company hereby clarifies that these forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance indicators. The actual performance, financial position, and liquidity of the Company, as well as the development of the industry, may significantly differ from the data provided in the forward-looking statements contained herein. Furthermore, even if the aforementioned indicators align with the forward-looking statements presented in this Report, such results and events do not serve as a guarantee of similar outcomes in the future.
The Company does not make any explicit or implicit representations or warranties and shall not be liable for any losses incurred, directly or indirectly, by individuals or legal entities as a result of using the forward-looking statements from this Annual Report for any reason. It is advised that such individuals should not rely solely on the forward-looking statements contained herein, as they do not represent the only possible scenario.
Unless required by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Company is under no obligation to revise or confirm expectations and estimates, or publish updates or changes to the forecasts presented in this Report in connection with subsequent events or the receipt of new information.